Original Moodific Designs

Useful Guide - If CIA's Knocking On Your Door

Helpful advice in case CIA or other authority visits you without any further warning.

My Brain Response: 102 Processing

Let people know you don't ignore them, it just takes some time to process their request.

My Brain Response: 204 No Content

If people know in advance there’s no content in your head, they will stop bothering you with their requests.

My Brain Response: 400 Bad Request

If anyone asks you for something, discard it easily by marking it a bad request.

My Brain Response: 401 Unauthorized

Enjoy your solitude, people can’t bother you if you don’t authorize them to give you questions.

My Brain Response: 402 Payment Required

Do people ask to use capacity of your brain? Ask them to pay for it. Nothing’s for free.

My Brain Response: 403 Forbidden

Your thoughts are your thoughts only. Deny others access to your head once and for all.

My Brain Response: 404 Not Found

Whatever they ask, you simply don’t know. Maybe because you don’t have a brain at all.

My Brain Response: 408 Request Timeout

The best excuse of all. If someone’s request takes too long to process, you brain has right to discard it.

My Brain Response: 410 Gone

Your brain’s gone. On vacation or for good. People should realize there’s no point to ask you anything.

My Brain Response: 413 Payload Too Large

Your spouse asks for too much from you? Let them know you can’t handle everything.

My Brain Response: 418 I am a Teapot

Let people know you simple refuse to brew and serve coffee because you are, permanently, a teapot.